We all get our fair share of spam – although as filters are getting better I actually don’t see that much of it – but as an academic scientist there is a special class of junk hitting the inbox: Invitations to publish in journals and to give talks at conferences. Some of these invitations are legit – most are not! I’ll just list (all) of the ones I get that are obviously out of scope1, starting from today. These lists cover only the days from Dec 5 to Dec 16 …
- Journal of Dental Research and Practice
- Nephrology and Renal Diseases
- Annals of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Medicine and Clinical Science.
- Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports
- International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Scientific Research (IJPSR)
- Journal of Water Science and Engineering
- Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health
- Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Research
- Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- World Pediatrics 2020
- Functional and Healthy Foods for Longevity
- Huntingtons-Europe2020
- 11th International Conference on Skin Ageing and Challenges
- 3rd Global Conference on Nursing & Healthcare
- World Congress on Cardiology and Heart Diseases
- Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery systems
- Ophthalmology Conferences 2020
- World Nursing Care Congress
- Global Summit on Infectious Diseases
- World Congress on Pain Research & Management