To much free time

A few weeks back we visited the large miniature train exhibition at Warsaw’s National Stadium. The models are incredibly detailed, and it’s clearly so that some people have way too much free time for hobbies. Photographed from the correct angles it’s hard to see that the depicted scenes are only […]

Salt prints

On my research group’s webpage we wrote about a visit we had from some students from the Radom High School of Art. The students, guided by their photography professor Weronika Elertowska, made their own salt prints. I just wanted to add a few more photos from the event that I […]

A table full of tales

If you’re going to write a book from a collection of anecdotes it helps having a hook to anchor the stories to. And what better hook than the periodic table of elements? I just finished Lars Öhrström’s “The Last Alchemist in Paris: And other curious tales from chemistry” the latest in a […]

Saving my life…

The bicycle saves my life every day Today it was time to lift the bike out of the cellar, oil the chain, tighten the bolts and get on for the first ride of the season. Ok, I do ride my bike to work everyday, but today it was the racer […]

In search of a hill

Before I had a child I never realised how fortunate I was to have grown up in a quite hilly city like Göteborg. Warsaw is almost completely flat, which from a biking point of view might be advantageous, but which leaves children in search of a good hill for sledging […]

Så mycket för oberoendet

En sak man hör mycket från PiS-anhängare så fort man klagar på hanteringen av konstitutionsdomstolen (TK), de nya medielagarna eller liknande är att PO gjorde likadant, och det man nu gör är bara att reparera landet igen. (Eller att läka det, som utrikesministern uttryckte det.) Det är typisk whataboutism. Låt oss […]

Den farliga småaktigheten

För andra veckan i rad organiserade “Kommittén för demokratins försvar” (Komitet Obrony Demokracji, KOD) demonstration för att protestera mot hur den nya PiS-regeringen försöker att undergräva konstitutionsdomstolens (TKs) makt. Förra veckan samlades kanske 50000 personer utanför TK i Warszawa (reportage av SRs Thella Jonsson här), och idag var vi upp […]

En sverigedemokratisk regering 1

I panelen i förra veckans Godmorgon, världen! talade Per Wirtén om hur rädd han var att om Sverigedemokraterna skulle bli största parti så skulle de aldrig lämna tillbaka makten. Well, om han vill kan han ju titta söderut. Här fick Polens SD, Lag och rättvisa (PiS), 37% av rösterna och […]

Are there women in electrochemistry?

I was recently visiting a workshop on surface modification (SMCBS) that is organised every other year by people from our institute. Looking around the room I realised that the audience was about half men and half women.* However, despite the almost equal representation of genders among the conference participants most of the speakers […]