Fast track

Något av det bästa som hänt inom teknikutveckling de senaste åren är att hur höghastighetskameror integrerats i en mängd konsumentprylar. Tillsammans med ett gratis trackingprogram, som t.ex. Tracker, kan man göra massor of coola experiment som tidigare krävde professionell utrustning. Jag har använt Tracker på jobbet då och då, men det är […]

Fast track.

One of the coolest developments over the last few years is the integration of relatively good quality, high speed video recording in many consumer devices. Together with a free tracking program like Tracker one can do lots of really cool things that used to be possible only with professional equipment. […]

Grammar nazi referees 2

When I referee an article I rarely comment on the grammar or the choice of words. Most authors are not native English speakers and as long as the language is not so spectacularly bad that it makes it hard to understand the meaning I usually don’t mention it. I especially don’t bother […]

A new start

What is it like being a scientist somewhere in the gap between “young” and “senior”? What is it like being a scientist in Poland? What is it like being a research group leader looking for funding, trying to find time for experiments, fighting with deadlines, learning new things… ? This […]